This is a summarised transcript of the last 7:21 smalltalk by lawyer Rajendran Packiry as requested by some kakireka members. Raj covered the 2 topics that interests many designers, esp. if you're a freelance designer or you own a small design house setup.
He spoke on how to legally deal with certain clients from hell who refuse to pay you after the work has been done & delivered. or How to handle legal disputes over payment due from a client. Don't get bullied, get paid.
Part 1 - "Make them Pay" or Modes of Execution Proceedings
To read article, click into the comments link under this post.
Before that, you've got to send your usual 1st, 2nd & 3rd invoice/reminders (in b&w), which is needed to build up your case (documenting the chronology of events) if/when you do go to court to plead your case. It is said that most people will settle/pay up upon receiving a letter from a lawyer's office (4th reminder & notice to sue) theatening to go to court if they don't respond.
Next step is to hire a lawyer to take action using the best suited mode of execution proceedings.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
How to Chase your Client for Late Payment - Legally
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Gift for You
For all you crafty designers who like to make or design your own gifts for others in this joyful season of giving, here's a little gift of knowledge just for you. I stumbled across this website - the world's biggest show & tell, where I found out how to make "LED Throwies" (pictured here) for a party event. But be warned, this website can get addictive and hours could go by as you learn how to make yourself all kinds of cool widgets ;-)...
WANTED: Examples of Good/Bad Design
Send us pictures of what are, in your own opinion, examples of GOOD or BAD design. If you're a designer, surely you have a collection of such things. Whether it's your own work or something you saw in a book or website, select a few & share them with us. Designs preferably of Asian/Malaysian origin.
Max 30 pix/person. Each picture = 150kb or less in file size. Zip it all up then email to kakireka. Closing date: 07Jan 2008.
All pictures will be compiled and projected onto a wall at the kakireka 'Chill Out Nite' on 07 Jan 2008. We hope this will stimulate thot and discussion among the designers present. Note: pls. don't mark good/bad on the pictures 'cos we want to leave it up to the viewer to decide. Leave it open to interpretation.
We need volunteers!
If you don't already know, kakireka is run on a non-profit basis and is managed by a small group of designers passionate about the state of the design industry in Malaysia. We are doing all this for you and other designers and we are trying our hardest to keep all events FREE for you to attend be'cos we know many are struggling just to survive out there. So far, all of the expenses incurred in organising the talks e.g. venue rentals, food/drinks have been out of our own pockets and a few kind sponsors.
We can't keep this up indefinitely and we hope you can chip-in/contribute in some way and/or help us find sponsors for the designer talks/events we are planning for next year.
If you can spare the time, volunteer yourself to help us design better events for designers. No matter what your design area/expertise, every little bit helps and who knows, you might find it more satisfying to have helped make an event a huge success rather than just attending the event itself.
For this coming party/get-together event, we urgently need a few people to help put up the decorations for the venue and setup the multimedia equipment. Can help? Contact - Gary.
Other volunteers, contact - Kenneth.
- - kakireka Party on the 21 Dec is postponed to 07 Jan 2008 - -
So instead of the Christmas Party, we are planning a post-New Year Get-Together for designers. Sorry for the last minute notice cos I was away on a short break. The reason for the postponement is that many of the kakireka 'kakies' will be away during the long weekend and we suspect many of you will have other plans as well. We've lined up some fun stuff for the party and hate to see it all go to waste. so...
1st kakireka 'Chill Out' Nite
Date: 07 Jan 2008 (yea-lah... it's a Monday) Time: 7:21pm Venue:TBC
The only entry requirement is you must be a cool designer, or you bring one with you as the entry ticket (the ultimate designer object to have!). Meet other designers over cool music, good food, surprises, fun & games. So what more can designers want at a designer party? > let us know & we'll try to make it happen.
Lastly, kakireka wishes all muslims "Selamat Hari Raya Haji", christians "A Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year" to the rest of you who have other beliefs or... are really just confused.
See you next year on the 7th of Jan 2008. Cheers!
note: the title above is a homage to a once popular viral meme derived from a video game that is strangely reminiscent of how religions are spread. Need inspiration on viral marketing/ambient media - do a google search on "all your base are belong to us".
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
07 Dec FRIDAY - smalltalk 7:21
7:21pm at Ole Cafe, 48 Changkat Bukit Bintang, K.L."Nike: Jangan Togel"
Compass Interactive's creative team, fresh from their Golden Kancil 2007 award win in Nov, will showcase their ground-breaking work for Nike Malaysia and various other works. (40mins)
How to get there: see map below.
- we're shifting our smalltalk venue from Central Market Annexe Gallery to Ole Cafe, inline with Galleriiizu's shift to it's new home. Many thanks to Mike for sponsoring such a fab new venue that's so convenient and centrally located (5mins walk from Bukit Bintang/Lot10 monorail station). Also many thanks to Gary for his delicious curry puffs, mince tarts n tehtarik at our last smalltalk. Can bring some more-ah, pls?
See y-all on Friday. Come early & mingle...